May 23, 2014

Odysseus Nose Glow

Nope, it's not the flash from the flashy box.  It's the glow of a sunpuddle on Odysseus' nose and toes!


May 19, 2014

They're Back!

The furkids all made it home, safe and having had great fun!

To the Pawrents who participated in the Pawrent House-trashing party, "While the Cats Were Away", we had the Butler paw up this way cool and much sought after Official Badge of Participation especially for you: 
Those Pawrents chiefly being from:

We humbly thank you for Mumsy-sitting for us while we were gone.  And please, our Senior Legal Adviser said to be sure and add this disclaimer to any who choose to proudly display the above-offered badge of participation, we, at Kwee Cats and Art, cannot be held in any way liable for the impact, be it positive or negative, it's display may have on your current reputation or community standing.

And, HEY!  ... ... ...  Have a happy!

May 17, 2014

While the Cats are Away

The Kwee CATS are all gone.....

They went away with their Cat Scouts and Friends...

Meanwhile, back at the mansion....

Kwee MUMSY is having a house trashing party for all the PAWRENTS.   All PAWRENTS are invited and welcome!

Please, everyone, have a happy!

May 14, 2014

Happy Straw Hat Day 2014

It's finally here!  Straw Hat Day!


Everybody, put on your straw hat and have a happy today!


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May 12, 2014

Mancat Monday and Stuff

Yup, it's me, Sneaky Pie, and yup, it's Mancat Monday.  Wow, were we ever busy all weekend.  Sammy's super Blogaversary parties, Raz's Birthday parties, Mother's Day...busy and lots of fun.  So, today....

Now, as for the "Stuff" part of our Post:  We also have some photos of some friends we want to share.

And, we got some news!  Yup!  We did it!  We signed up.  And we have never been happier :-) 

However you spend the day, enjoy it!  And hey, don't forget to have a happy!


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May 11, 2014

We Turned the Camera Around

Happy Mother's Day everybody!

For Mother's Day, we turned the flashy box around on our Mumsy!  We used our very own paws and took pictures of our Mumsy!  Mom Pungy was trying to help position Mumsy.  Piewhackits discovered her nose would work even better than her paw to snap the picture!

We hope all our wonderful friends have a very happy Mother's Day!

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May 10, 2014

Caturday Art and Celebrating a Friend

Hi everybody!  We have all turned out  here with our Caturday Art offering.  Today, we are honoring some wonderful Souls that have become some fantastic friends.  You want to talk about some good hearts, you will find them here One Spoiled Cat.  

Happy, happy day, Sammy to you and your Mom!

We put on the Riz for this do!

Sammy and his Mom are putting on one fantastic formal gala over at their place - you just gotta see it to believe it!  They'd love for you to join them for the fun One Spoiled Cat.   And visit over at Athena, Cat Goddess to see her great Caturday Art and everyone else's too.

But above everything else....have a happy today!

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May 3, 2014

Caturday Art Colaboration

Hi everybody!  Piewhackits here with our Caturday Art offering.  We hope you like it.  We really hope you'll try some Art on for yourself!  It's fun!  And visit over at Athena, Cat Goddess to see her great Caturday Art and everyone else's too.

My Mumsy and I co-labored-and-ated together on this one.  I did the super hard part of posing.  It took a lot of concentration and effort to hold such an amazingly cute pose for the ages time it took Mumsy to finally get the sketch done.

We're done for now, everybody!  Now I get my bribe payoff Temptations.

Everyone have a super good weekend - and have a happy!


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