We are the Kwee Cats. We have all been adopted or taken in by our Mumsy after we showed up on her doorstep and then decided she needed us to stay. Well, except for Pungy. She just showed up one evening and sashayed into the livingroom! Mumsy and CatDaddy Junior did not even know she was in the house, or for how long she'd been here! She was a little bitty tiny kitten. Piewhackits, Sneaky Pie, and Odysseus are her three kittens.
We've grown over the years. The seven of us Mumsy started this blog with are all still here.
We started off with Mumsy's blog first. When we took it over, she moved us to this one of our own. Then, keeping two going just got too much. Thankfully, we've learned how to very happily live together on one blog.
The Funny Farmer Felines over at Jan's Funny Farm interviewed us!
It was a lot of fun. Sneaky Pie wants everyone to know they brought excellent nom-noms with them. He's an expurrrt on nom-noms, so he knows.
They fixed up this super neat picture in honor of our fantastic interview.
Sooooo, you can check out our interview here: Quite Cute Kwee Cats
Thank you for visiting us. We love all our wonderful friends.
Have a happy, everyone!