June 13, 2015

Caturday Art

Hi everyone!  Yup, we are doing a Caturday Art post!  Thank you, Annabelle over at Manx Mnews for reminding us of this fun and for keeping us inspired.  But for you, we’d be sitting around today postless.  Yes, we know its late in the day, but it IS still Caturday.

Since Piewhackits is the premier Art-Type kitty around here, she gets the staring role for today.  This is a mosaic Pie-Pie and Mumsy made of her.

2015 May 8 Piewhackits Mosaic

And this is Piewhackits made of flowers.  Little flowers were used to replace her colors.

Piewhackits in Flowers Mosaic

We especially want to thank our wonderful friends over at Friends FurEver for checking on us.  Our Mumsy has been sick on account of her diabetes blew up on her and she had something called creatinine levels increasing, and she felt just awful.  We think the awful levels are back under control.  She goes back for more tests in a couple of months.

We also want to say that we send much love and hugs to all our Friends that are in need of purrs and prayers.  Extra love and hugs to families that have loved ones that have made their trip Over The Rainbow Bridge…especially to Nerissa’s and to Cubby’s families.  All of you are in our hearts and thoughts.

Nerissa and Cubby OTRB

We sure hope you enjoy our Caturday Art offerings.  We sure had fun making them!  Thank you, Athena, for creating the Caturday Art sharing.

Caturday art 004



    *waves paws*

    We love the cactus for Piewhackit's nose!

  2. I love seeing all of you and that was a truly masterful rendition for us. xxoo

  3. Very nice art. I hope your Mom feels better soon.

  4. Those awe pawsum fotos. Weez so glad to see y'all and hear fwum ya'. Weez been so cwazy wound here weez fell a bit behind. But weez sendin' purrayers to y'all and hope everyfin' works out good fur ya'.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  5. Welcome back! That be creative and unusual art and I like it.

  6. It's so good to have an update from you all, we are so sorry to hear that Mumsy had not been feeling well and we send many good thoughts and purrs and prayers her way and to all you kitties. Love both art photos, so unique and the one of Piewhackits in flowers is extra special. Much love and good vibes to you all!

  7. Beautiful and creative!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  8. Cool art! I hope your human is better soon!

  9. Hi Kwee, your art is the coolest of the cool!! Glad to see you, but sorry you've been so unwell! Sending purrs xox

  10. Hey, we've been missing you and we're glad Mom is doing better! Y'all are rockin' the art!!!

  11. Your caturday art is always fantastic! We were so happy to hear from you and receive your comment on our blog. I am sorry your mom has been sick - sending tons of love and support her way!!!!!! Happy Sunday.

  12. Mommy is diabetic, too, and she says to your Mommy "It won't go away, but it can be controlled!"
    And we are sending purrayers that your Mommy's will be soon. Sometimes it is very hard, but others are surely helping with their encouragement and prayers for your Mommy and all Diabetics.

  13. Such a pretty post... Love the art. Good to see you.

    hugs, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

  14. It is always so good to hear from you.
    You are in our thoughts and we always always keep you close to our heart.

    We love your CATurday ART and we hope to see you again next week.


  15. We're soooo glad your Mumsy is feeling better. Your artwork is amazing!!!

    Thanks for your kind words about Cubby...we miss him a lot.

    The Florida Furkids

  16. That's some beautiful art, sweet friends! We are really glad Mommy is feeling better.

    It's so nice to see you again ... we missed you lots!

  17. Grreat artwork !!
    Glad to hear your mom is feeling better.



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