August 29, 2011

Kwee Cats and MoMo in San Francisco


While SS was away, the Kwee Cats took MoMo for a long weekend visit to San Francisco, California!

We had fun riding the trolley car!

Photo Aug 21, 19 09 10

Down on Fisherman’s Wharf, we found all kinds of very yummy nom-noms, and made some new friends!

Photo Aug 21, 19 09 49

We hope you enjoyed our little outing. And we hope ev-furry-one has a good week.

Thank you!


August 26, 2011

Ev-furry-body Please Stay Safe


Goodnight, Irene (300 px)

We will be thinking good thoughts and sending lots of purrs out.

Please, everyone, be safe.

And thank you, Ann at Zoolatry, for sending us this nice picture to use.


August 24, 2011

For Misses Peach


We will always have a cuppa catnip tea here for Misses Peach.

Photo Aug 23, 8 49 45


We started to close the comments for this post.  But then we remembered how much it helps us, when our hearts hurt, to connect with our friends.  So the comments are open.  Leave one if you wish.  And if you don’t, we understand that too.  We hear your purrs.

We add our purrs to everyone else’s for Misses Peach’s family.

Thank you and (((hugs))) to everybody.

August 23, 2011

Cat Talk Time

Hello Ev-furry-body!

We are excited today to be play-ticipating in Zoolatry's "Cat Talk Time".

With all us kitties around here, we sure got the cat talk too. So we voted and are posting One Of Our most favorite. That makes it an "ooo" as in "ooo, I sure do like that!"

We got - Tada! The NomNom Bag!

For it to be a NomNom Bag (NNB), it didn't have to used to have NomNoms in it, although it's very okay if it did. What makes it a NomNom bag is how it makes that wonderful crinkle-crinkle sound (or, WCCS) when you NomNom on it.

There are lots of NomNom bags out there to find when you are on your NomNom hunt (or, NNH, as in when you are CNNH, or, Commencing NomNom Hunt. After which, you are TDY on a NNH until your objective is completed in this House, Mister). In this case, Sneaky Pie has discovered this one under one of the bathroom sinks. He also likes to play bunny-kicks with the toilet paper rolls. But here, he is demonstrating the NomNom Bag discovery. Mumsy won't let him demon-strate the toilet paper bunny-kicks, so maybe that's for another post.

Sneaky Pie has to always put this particular NomNom Bag back in the cabinet when Mumsy is ready to leave. That way he can find it and sneak it out over and over till it gets what she calls the "worn out effect" (or WOE). When that happens it disappears. But not to worry, wonderful friends, a new NomNom Bag, or some sort of toy (a SSOT), will be found someplace near by to where The Disappeared One (TDO) was last seen.

We hope you have enjoyed our contribution to "Cat Talk Time" and we thank everyone for visiting us. We'll be around to visit you guys ASAP.

TTFN =^~^=

August 17, 2011

We Got the Sweetest Friends


Hi ev-furry-body!

We sure are glad for when we get to visit with our friends.  Like so many families, we just got to be patient with our humans sometimes.  Our Mumsy talks about “human stuff” on her Blogginer.  This one is ours and we are ready to give some attentions!

A couple of our friends were real interested in our Waterfall and our Bridge.  So, we thought first we’d share some fun…

Thank you, everyone over at Katnip Lounge for the big check you gave us for your personalized copy of the Bridge.  Odysseus is happy to deliver yours, personally!  We hope you enjoy your new Bridge!

Photo Aug 17, 17 49 02

Next, Mr. Pip wanted a Bridge too.  We will always accept the green currency – catnip!  But we want you, Mr. Pip, to enjoy the Peanut Butter Bones Treats!  You’re a great guy, take such good care of your family, and you sure deserve them.

Photo Aug 17, 17 49 43

Father Tom wanted a waterfall to go with his beach.  We threw in the little froggies just for good measure!  We hope you enjoy it!

Photo Aug 17, 18 33 30

Then our great friend Brian really wanted a waterfall too.  We’ve been looking for something nice we could do for him.  He does so much good for so many.  We pawed up a waterfall and surrounded it with catnip just for you!  We sure hope you enjoy it, Brian, you’re a great guy.

Photo Aug 17, 18 34 22

Now we saved the last ones for the best ones….

Wonderful Mr. Puddy and wonderful Mr. Clooney both gave us…Tada!  The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award!  It’s our first Award and we got excited!  Thank you, Mr. Puddy and Mr. Clooney, so much!  We think you guys are just the best.

Photo Aug 17, 18 01 48

Now, we been thinking of doing something for Mr. Puddy and for Mr. Clooney ever since Bora Bora day… soooooooo…..

Back on Bora Bora day, it looked like Mr. Clooney wasn’t going to get to go on account he’d missed his boat.  So, for Mr. Clooney, the Kwee Mancats gots the NipAle!  We sure hope it makes you smile as much as you make us smile.  Thank you, Mr. Clooney!

Photo Aug 17, 17 50 22

Also back on Bora Bora day, our little hearts were sad Mr,. Puddy didn’t get to share in all the yum-yum shrimps… soooooo….. Just for you, Mr. Puddy, bunches and bunches of shrimps!  Some on the grill and some boiled up ready to go!  We sure hope you enjoy them and that they make you smile as much as you make us smile.  Thank you, Mr. Puddy !

Photo Aug 17, 17 51 04

And gosh, 7 things you don’t know about us???

1. Oliver snores!

2. Sneaky Pie likes to lick the cheese off of Doritos.

3. Piewhackits likes to play with the bubbles in soda pop.

4. Odysseus really is afraid of her shadow.

5. Domino drools when he’s asleep.

6. Pungy’s name is Liddy Pung and she likes to Mommy Mumsy.

7. Miss Duchess has a little brown spot between two of her white furred fingers.  When she first decided to live here, Mumsy thought it was dirt and kept trying to wash the brown spot off!

Our 15 friends to pass the award on to… gosh, we don’t want to have to pick only 15 out of all our friends!  We wuz all you guys!  So we gonna do what Mr. Puddy said and follow the Cat’s Rule… we give this award to ALL our friends – we wuz you – friends like all you guys are just the… Sweetest.

Thank you, ev-furry-body!


August 13, 2011

We got Wets!


Hi Ev-furry-body!

All the past bunches of days, we got  R-A-I-N.  It bee all that wet what falls from the c-l-o-u-d-s… hee-hee :-)   It just has been so long since we had good rains we felt like we might need to re-explainz-it.

We gots us so much nice, pretty, rains we made a waterfall in the backyard!  With our ownz little paws… weeee made it…  See?!?!?!


Hee.heee, hee, heee, hee-hee…..

We also gots a nice bridge for sale too!  Hee-hee!  We understand itz been sold a bunches of timez, but HEY!  Its just like new!  Hee-hee…  hee-hee-hee…hee-hee!


We hope you in-joyed our good gigglez laughs with us!  We gotz our weekend going!

We sure hope alls you has a super gooder weekend too!

Thank you, our wonderful Friends!


August 8, 2011

World Cat Day


Photo Aug 04, 7 16 39 AM

Today, we celebrate World Cat Day 2011.

Our Mumsy wanted to share what she appreciates us teaching her.  We teach her about confidence, showing her how to never be self-conscious about expressing how we feel or what we think.  Our Mumsy always tries to follow the rule, “To Thy Own Self Be True.”  We teach her how to do it as we live every day unapologetically being ourselves.

From all the Kwee Cats, and our sweet guest Momo, happy World Cat Day to all our friends and inspirations all over the world!

Photo Aug 08, 12 05 21 AM

Thank you!

August 5, 2011

For Miss Momo


What is this?

Why are all the Kwee Cats wearing frowns?

Photo Aug 02, 1 16 39 AM

MoMo????  Momo is going to be gone???  For a whole month???



There is only one thing to do… it’s all up to Miss Duchess now!



You see it all started when a very sweet and thoughtful Miss Momo suggested Miss Duchess check out the Kool Seniors Kitty Klub over at SAS.  Then…Photo Aug 02, 2 54 09 AM

So… as soon as they get back from Gracie's and Bora Bora, thanks to a little help from our wonderful friends at Zoolatry, Miss Duchess is treating Miss Momo to a  Kool Seniors Kitty Klub time she will not soon forget – for a month, at least!  The Kwee Cats are buying, so everyone come have a drink and share in the good wishes for Momo and SS.

Momo-Duchess by Zoolatry

To Momo and SS…bon-voyage

We are going to miss you.


Zoolatry_Profile_PicA very special thank you to Miss Ann at Zoolatry for our wonderful picture of Miss Duchess and Miss Momo enjoying their Niptinis and Tuna Juice. 

Thank you so much!


Visit Miss Momo!08 winter - fence-MOMO-KC


Thank you, Ev-furry-body!


August 3, 2011

We’re not here today–We’re in Bora Bora!


Sorry, the Kwee Cats are not in today… because we are all in…

Bora Bora!  Yaaaaayyy!!!

We are visiting a new friend Gracie with some of our old friends today!

Gracie sent out this wonderful invitation to everyone.


So we packed up and went for a visit.  We’ve never been to Bora Bora before.  Gracie has things set up so nice!  And hey!!!  Momo is here!  Hey!  There are a bunch of our friends here :-)

The Kwee Kitty Ladies got comfy real fast.

Photo Aug 02, 2 55 47 AM

And the Kwee Mancats decided island life is pretty cool!

Photo Aug 02, 2 42 31 AM

Gracie, we sure are enjoying getting to meet you.  And we think this is a great idea of yours!  We sure do appreciate you letting us participate and come party with you!

And Ev-furry-one else, what are you guys waiting for??? Don’t be a square… get on over there to Gracie's Bora Bora Party.  Bora Bora is way cool.

Tomorrow, we got something special we’ve been planning for our dear friend Momo.  So if you can, we’d sure appreciate you coming back by on Friday.

Till then, we gonna be all day and all night on the beach in Bora Bora with our new friend, Gracie!

Leave a note for your humans and…