July 15, 2016

Fill-Ins, Art, Weather and Stuff

Yup, we got a little bit of everything!

First, we saw several friends doing this fill-in and we thought it looked like a lot of fun.  We took turns answering one each.

Ellen cat badge 2 1

Week 10, July 18, 2016:
1. I prefer ________________ to ________________.
2. ____________________ was much harder than I expected. 
3. One way that I relax is                                    .
4.                always makes me                     .
Our Answers:
1. Pungy: I prefer ice cream to milk.
2. Sneaky Pie: Getting that Dorito sack to tump over was much harder than I expected.
3. Mumsy: One way that I relax is creating my Art.
4. Duchess: A treat always makes me very happy.
To do one yourself go here: To Mcguffey’s Reader (http://mcguffysreader.blogspot.com) or here: To 15 and Meowing.com (http://www.15andmeowing.com)
We checked out the weather this morning as Mumsy refilled the Bird TV scripts with seeds to line up the birds for the day.
Filling Bird Feeders 2016 Jul 15 0725
Mumsy did some art... 
Red Flowers in July and Butterflies 2016 Jul 15
And she shared some about how it was done...
Making Red Flowers and Butterflies 2016 Jul 15
And the other day…Piewhackits showed off her technique for getting comfy. 
Piewhackits July 2 2016
We hope everyone has a happy today - hugs and love to you all, our Wonderful Friends.


  1. Great fill-ins! Your mom is so talented! Our's is pretty lame in that department. Although she can create some pretty scrapbook pages.

  2. The artwork is beautiful. I love flowers.

    All of you kitties are beautiful. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Cute kitties. Be careful with the Doritos. They can be bad for kitties due to the onion powder and garlic powder. We used to let our dog have them all the time until we found out those two things are bad for cats and dogs. Have a great weekend.

  4. Our Mum is an absolute idiot when it comes to art work!

  5. Welcome to the fill-ins, I am so happy you joined in and hope you will every week. Nice answers, I like how you all took turns. Mumsy is an amazing artist. Good job getting that Dorito bag knocked over. Have a great weekend.

  6. Great fill-ins!!! Isn't it FUN? We'll look forward to you doing it again NEXT Friday too........you're hooked now. HAHAHA Love your Mum's artwork - we've been watching her posting on Facebook - art is a wonderful way to express our feelings no matter what feelings we're having! Hope you all have a super duper Friday AND weekend!

    Love, Sammy and Mom Pam

  7. We really liked your Fill-ins! We're big fans of your Mum's artwork....she's very talented.

    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

  8. Beautiful art ! Your mom is talented ! Purrs

  9. guys.....yur fill inz rock de houz, yur momz art werk rocks de houz; pie.. yur new bed rocks de houz ;)

    de hole burd thing..............wellllllllllllllllllllll


    heerz two a yellowtail catfish kinda week oh end two everee one ~~~~ ♥♥♥♥

  10. I love your mom's artwork! Angels Tara and Truffles loved ice cream too :)

  11. I'm just so happy to see you kitties! It's been a long time! Hurray!

  12. I love your artwork! Cute answers, too. I am happy that you joined us, too. Hugs!

  13. P.S. It is McGuffy's Reader".

  14. WE always love your artwork!
    Great fill ins!!!
    Piewhackits you sure are an expert when it comes to making the bed!

  15. Great fill ins and art. And Piewhackitis, you be lookin' gawjus. big hgs to ya'll. Stay safe and have a great day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  16. Your art is lovely, and I like your fill ins too.

  17. Those are some great fill-ins, dear pals! And we always, always love your Mumsy's artwork. She's so talented! :)

    Hugs and headbonks to you all,


  18. your fill-ins are inspiring and your Mom's art is simply a reason to do a Happy Dance!!

  19. Fun answers. We prefer ice cream to milk too, but Jan isn't really into sharing with us. :(

  20. Thanks for the share. We really enjoyed your fill-in answers. The artwork that you shared is really beautiful. We love flowers, especially when we get to plant them around the office in the spring. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals


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